Auto Regels & Tips | Djops

Welcome in your new car!

At Djops we are happy to provide you with a car, so you can get to your new job. However, we do have some rules regarding the use of our cars, and we suggest you read them down below. We have also provided some valuable insight into the use of the car and how to drive it safely and responsibly in the Netherlands. (Also read up on additional rules and information in your contract.)

Car Rules

  • The car usually comes with a full tank of gas, we expect the tank to be full on the moment of return. Any difference in the amount of gas will be taken taken out of the wages of the driver.
  • Keep the car nice and clean, both inside and out.
  • No smoking allowed in the car.
  • You are only allowed to drive the car in The Netherlands


  • We expect you to drive safely and responsibly. 
  • Make sure you know about speedlimits on different roads and adhere to these limits. 
  • Be aware of the traffic rules, and if you’re not, take the time to get to know them.
Some mobile apps that might be helpful for knowing about speed limits and directions are;
  • Google Maps: (will navigate and also provide you with speed limits) (iPhone) (Android)
  • Flitsmeister: (will let you know if there are any speed traps, road constructions, detours etc.) (iPhone) (Android)


  • Be aware of the different types of parking situations in The Netherlands. You can usually tell by the signs what kind of rules apply to parking. Some parking zones, for example, have a limit of 2 hours, and you need a parking disc to be able to park here. (Provided  with the car.)
There are some mobile apps that can help you find parking spots and also make payments through the app for paid parking spots. Some of these apps are;


Any speed- or parking tickets that are registered to the car in the period you are driving it will be deducted from your wages. Evidence of the ticket will be provided. In case of repeated offenses we will try to inform you about the specifics of the tickets.

Accidents / Damages

While we obviously hope that nothing bad happens to you, there is always the possibility of you damaging the car, through actions of your own or someone else. When that happens, please get in contact with us as soon as possible and provide us with an explanation of what happened and pictures of the damage to both you and other drivers involved. 


Also exchange contact information with any other involved parties for insurance purposes. When we can not find another party to recover any costs from in case of an accident where the fault is not your own, we will still hold you, the driver, responsible for any costs of repair up to an amount of €500.


In case of any mechanical problems with the car, also contact us as soon as possible. Together we will try to come up with a solution and if neccesary, we can schedule an appointment to get the car fixed.


If you have any further questions about your car, you can contact us at But for now, good luck and safe travels!